Saturday 24 October 2009

home, sweet home

well when I said lots of things I want to post tomorrow, I meant post soon. Have had lots of lovely visitors and flowers today and have the kids tomorrow so will probably post more next week. Still very tired and achey/sore. Have a rota of people coming to look after me next week as well as some half-term visitors Tues and Wed - Bridget will be here on Monday and Tuesday night and Dr Penny will be over to visit on Monday night; my sister Gill will be here Wednesday, Thursday and possibly Friday nights, with visits from Janet on Tuesday and Helen on Wednesday and Alice cooking us a lovely meal on Thursday night; and Najma from work is coming over the weekend to tantalise with her fabulous Mauritian cooking!

so lots going on and I'm gratefully running out of vases! (Seriously, not sure where any more will go - thanks for the beautiful roses Liz!). Absolutely knackered and about to have a shower and eat so no more hospital tales for now. My heating has packed up (great timing!) does anyone know a good boiler mender in the area that they can recommend?


  1. Hi Belinda,

    So pleased to hear that you are now home.
    Not too many visitors at first, they can be very tiring!Harry has been asking how you are progressing!
    take care,

  2. Hi there Jackie, yes it's been very busy round here so there'll be time to settle a bit now all my half-term visitors have gone! managed a very nice walk to Dundonald park in the sunshine yesterday with all the mums i originally hung out with in the baby days which was a lovely reunion. Thank Harry very much and tell him, as I'm sure he'll recognise, I'm doing well but it's funny how you still get this sudden wave of tiredness and everything has to stop while you flop! getting fewer and further between though. xx
